SAFE Releases China's International Investment Position as at the End of June 2022
In the external financial assets, directinvestment assets amounted to USD2603.9billion, portfolioinvestment assets, USD1019.6billion, financialderivative assets, USD24.2billion, other investment assets, USD2262.0billion, and reserves assets, USD3246.6billion, accounting for 28percent,11percent, 0.3percent, 25percent and35percent of external financial assets respectively.
In external liabilities, directinvestment liabilities were USD3587.4billion, portfolioinvestment liabilities, USD1963.3billion, financial derivative liabilities, USD18.1billion and other investment liabilities, USD1505.8billion, accounting for51percent, 28 percent, 0.3percent and 21percent of the external financial liabilities respectively.
In SDR terms, China’s external financial assets and liabilities reached SDR6895.9billion and SDR5328.2billion respectively, and external net assets totaled SDR1567.8billion at the end ofJune 2022.
In addition, in order to facilitate understanding of the data of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position among alldata users, the BOP Analysis Team of the SAFE released China's Balance of Payments Reportfor theFirst Half of 2022.
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