Statistical Report on Cross-border Capital Flows, 2021/2022
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1. Capital Flows in 2021 For the year 2021 as a whole, Macao recorded a net capital inflow of MOP10.1 billion when excluding the financial flow of official reserve assets (i.e. Macao’s foreign exchange reserves), as against a net outflow of MOP33.8 billion in 2020. This was the cumulative effect of a net outflow of MOP30.6 billion of direct investment, a net outflow of MOP49.9 billion of portfolio investment, a net inflow of MOP88.6 billion in other investment and a net inflow of MOP2.1 billion in financial derivatives.
At end-2021, official reserve assets held by the AMCM, a buffer tool for absorbing
Macao’s BOP surplus or deficit, amounted to MOP214.2 billion. An outflow of
MOP10.9 billion was recorded in reserve assets in the year after excluding the effects
of price and exchange rate changes and other adjustments, as against an outflow of
MOP21.3 billion in 2020. Taking into account the capital flow of official reserve
assets, the financial account of Macao’s BOP recorded a net capital outflow of
MOP0.8 billion, a decrease of MOP54.3 billion compared with the net outflow in
2020 (Table 1).
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