

三、準確查明英屬維爾京群島公司法,依據沖突規範正確認定侵權行為地 ——原告楊新宙訴被告堀雄一朗損害股東利益責任糾紛案
III. Accurately ascertain the BVI Business Companies Act and correctly determine the lex loci delicti (the place of the delict) according to the rules of conflict of laws
—Yang Xinzhou v. Yuichiro Hori for dispute over liability for damaging shareholders’ interests
[Basic Facts]
本案系損害股東利益責任糾紛。2013 年,Stellarworks Holding Ltd.(以下簡稱 SW 控股公司)在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立,股東為堀雄一朗和楊新宙二人, 持股比例分別為 70%和 30%,堀雄一朗被任命為董事。SW 控股公司系 Stellarworks Investment Ltd.(以下簡稱 SW 投資公司)全資股東,SW 投資公司系富迅國際貿易有限公司(以下簡稱富訊公司)全資股東。2014年3月,Stellarworks International Ltd.(以下簡稱 SW 國際公司)在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立,股東為堀雄一朗,持股比例 100%。SW 控股公司擬將其持有的 SW 投資公司全部股份轉讓給 SW 國際公司,對 SW 投資公司唯一實質性資產即富迅公司資產進行了評估。評估過程中堀雄一朗向評估公司提出了若幹建議,後堀雄一朗作為 SW 控股公司的唯一董事批準了股份轉讓協議。楊新宙認為,堀雄一朗作為 SW 控股公司的大股東、唯一董事,在轉讓公司資產給自己名下其他公司時,故意壓低評估價格,損害了小股東楊新宙的利益,因此主張其賠償損失。
This case is about the dispute over liability for damaging shareholders’ interests. In 2013, Stellarworks Holding Ltd. (SW Holding Company) was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, with two shareholders: Yuichiro Hori and Yang Xinzhou, each holding 70% and 30% equity. Yuichiro Hori was appointed as the director. SW Holding Company was a wholly-owned shareholder of Stellarworks Investment Ltd. (SW Investment Company), which was a wholly-owned shareholder of Fuxun International Trade Co., Ltd. (Fuxun Company). In March 2014, Stellarworks International Ltd. (SW International Company) was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, with one shareholder: Yuichiro Hori, holding 100% equity. SW Holding Company intended to transfer all its shares in SW Investment Company to SW International Company, and evaluated the assets of Hong Kong Fuxun Company, the only substantive asset of SW Investment Company. During the evaluation, Yuichiro Hori made several suggestions to the evaluation company. As the sole director of SW Holding Company, Yuichiro Hori then approved the Share Transfer Agreement. Yang Xinzhou believed that Yuichiro Hori, as the majority shareholder and the only director of SW Holding Company, deliberately lowered the evaluation price when transferring the company’s assets to another company under his name, damaging the interests of the minority shareholder Yang Xinzhou, and therefore Yang Xinzhou claimed against Yuichiro Hori for compensation.
[Court Ruling]
上海市閔行區人民法院認為,堀雄一朗系日本國公民,楊新宙以堀雄一朗在執行 SW 控股公司事務時侵害其的股東權益為由主張賠償。本案屬涉外侵權糾紛, 應根據《中華人民共和國涉外民事關系法律適用法》第四十四條的規定,本案所涉侵權責任問題應適用侵權行為地法律。因楊新宙所主張侵權行為為股權轉讓行為,故侵權行為地為 SW 投資公司的住所地。SW 投資公司住所地位於英屬維爾京群島,故本案應適用英屬維爾京群島法律。楊新宙為此提供了《2004 年英屬維爾京群島商業公司法》法條規定和律師法律意見書,上海市閔行區人民法院認為,根據英屬維爾京群島法律,若楊新宙作為 SW 控股公司股東的權利受到堀雄一朗執行 SW 控股公司事務時的不公平行為損害,則楊新宙有權向堀雄一朗主張賠償。
Minhang District Primary People's Court of Shanghai Municipality found that Yuichiro Hori was a citizen of Japan, and Yang Xinzhou claimed compensation against Yuichiro Hori on the grounds that Yuichiro Hori infringed upon Yang Xinzhou’s shareholders’ rights in the execution of SW Holding Company’s affairs. This case is a foreign-related infringement dispute, which should be governed by the law determined by Article 44 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Law on Foreign-related Civil Relations. The liabilities for delict in this case should be governed by the lex loci delicti commissi, i.e., the law of the place where the delict was committed. Given the delict claimed by Yang Xinzhou was an equity transfer, the place where the equity was located, i.e., the place where SW Investment Company was domiciled, shall be the place where the direct result of the delict occurred. Therefore, the place of delict shall be the domicile of SW Investment Company, i.e., the British Virgin Islands; the law of the British Virgin Islands shall apply to this case. Considering the provisions of the ascertained law and the lawyer’s legal opinions, the Minhang District Primary People's Court of Shanghai Municipality held that according to the laws of the British Virgin Islands, if Yang Xinzhou’s rights as a shareholder of the SW Holding Company were damaged due to the unfair execution of the SW Holding Company’s affairs by Yuichiro Hori, Yang Xinzhou had the right to claim against Yuichiro Hori.
Yuichiro Hori filed an appeal, requesting the law of the People’s Republic of China, i.e., the common habitual residence of both parties, be applied in this case.
The Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court held that, such evidence as foreigner work permit provided by Yuichiro Hori was insufficient to prove that his habitual residence was within the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The concept of "place of domicile" in the determination of case jurisdiction is not the same as that of "place of habitual residence" in the above-mentioned legal provisions. Therefore, it is not improper for the court of first instance to apply the lex loci delicti commissi, i.e., the law of the British Virgin Islands.
[Typical Significance]
本案涉及公司類侵權案件的法律適用問題,侵權行為發生在英屬維爾京群島,但根據侵權案件法律適用的有關規定,當事人有共同經常居所地的,適用共同經常居所地法律。本案爭議焦點之一即是雙方是否均以上海為共同經常居所地,本案應適用英屬維爾京群島法律還是我國法律。堀雄一朗提供了其在上海有房產、 工作等證據,但出入境記錄顯示其在涉案行為發生期間頻繁往來於日本和上海, 因此法院認定其證據不足以證明其經常居所地在上海。法院最終根據英屬維爾京群島官方網站上的法律條文、楊新宙提交的翻譯件、楊新宙委托的當地律師出具的法律意見書查明了英屬維爾京群島相關法律,作出了判決。本案對同類案件的法律適用、侵權行為認定具有典型示範意義。
This case concerns the application of law for company-related delict. The delict occurred in the British Virgin Islands. However, according to the relevant provisions on the application of law in delict cases, if the parties concerned have a common habitual residence, the law of common habitual residence shall apply. One of the disputed issues in this case is whether both parties take Shanghai as their common habitual residence? Should the law of the British Virgin Islands or the law of China be applied in this case? Yuichiro Hori provided evidence that he had real estate and worked in Shanghai, but the entry-exit records showed that he frequently traveled between Japan and Shanghai during the occurrence of the delict. Therefore, the court found that his evidence was insufficient to prove that his habitual residence was Shanghai. The court finally ascertained the relevant laws of the British Virgin Islands and rendered a judgment according to the legal provisions on the official website of the British Virgin Islands, the translation submitted by Yang Xinzhou and the legal opinion issued by the local lawyer entrusted by Yang Xinzhou. This case is of great reference value for the application of law and the finding of delict in similar cases.

楊律師執業27年,長期從事私募基金、投融資、並購法律服務,涵蓋TMT、大金融、大健康、房地產和基礎設施、展覽業、製造業等行業。2004年起多次受到The Legal 500和Asia Law Profiles的特別推薦或點評,2016年起連續入選國際知名法律媒體China Business Law Journal“100位中國業務優秀律師”,榮獲Leaders in Law - 2021 Global Awards“中國年度公司法專家”稱號,多次榮獲Lawyer Monthly及Finance Monthly“中國TMT律師大獎"和“中國並購律師大獎"等獎項。具有上市公司獨立董事任職資格,系華東理工大學法學院兼職教授、復旦大學法學院兼職導師、華東政法大學兼職研究生導師、上海交通大學私募總裁班講師、上海市商務委跨國經營人才培訓班講師。出版《企業全程法律風險防控實務操作與案例評析》《完勝資本2:公司投融資模式流程完全操作指南》《私募股權投資基金風險防控操作實務》等16本專著。楊律師執業領域為:公司、投資並購和私募基金,資本市場,TMT,房地產和建築工程,以及上述領域的爭議解決。

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