活动预告 | 正午阳光——青年学者论坛(2023秋季)第四期
2023年秋季学期 “正午阳光——青年学者论坛”第四期活动安排如下:
Do Peer Characteristics Explain Returns: An Aggregation Approach
戈舒怡,南开大学金融学院助理教授,研究领域主要包括金融计量、实证资产定价、经济网络。科研成果发表于Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 等国际期刊
向鸿,香港理工大学助理教授,研究领域主要包括实证资产定价,行为金融学。科研成果曾多次发表于Journal of Financial Economics,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 等国际期刊。

Characteristics of one firm may contain value-relevant information for a set of economically related peer firms. This paper employs a flexible machine-learning approach to aggregate information from a large number of peer characteristics, as well as deviations of firms' own characteristics from the peer averages, into two aggregate peer-based indices: the Peer Index (PI) and the Peer Deviation Index (PDI). The two indices reliably predict future returns, even after controlling for a comprehensive list of other anomaly variables, as well as adjusting for data-snooping bias and microcaps. Individually, long-short value-weighted portfolios based on PI and PDI each generate monthly excess returns of 1.5% and 2.2%, respectively, with Sharpe ratios of 1.15 and 2.28. Combining the two signals, a long-short double-sorted portfolio generates monthly excess returns of 3.48% (with a Sharpe ratio of 2.52). We present evidence that the predictability of PI and PDI arises from the gradual diffusion of information and anchoring to peer fundamentals, respectively.
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