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近日,香港证监会(Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission,HK SFC)宣布支持和提倡为在香港提供产品及服务的环境、社会及管治(ESG)评级和数据产品供应商,制订一套操守准则供其自愿遵守。该自愿操守准则将经由一个业界领导的工作小组制订,即香港ESG评级和数据产品供应商自愿操守准则工作小组。中诚信绿金科技(北京)有限公司(“中诚信绿金”)作为唯一中资信用评级机构的子公司,担任工作小组成员。
香港证监会欢迎国际资本市场协会(International Capital Market Association, ICMA)担任该工作小组的秘书单位。ICMA将召集和领导该工作小组,其成员包括来自本地、内地及其他国际ESG评级和数据产品供应商的代表,以及本地金融业的主要产品使用者。工作组第一次会议将于本月召开,并计划在3个月后对自愿操守准则进行公开意见征询。
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (HK SFC)announced to develop an ESG code of conduct yesterday, in supporting the ESG ratings and data product providers in Hong Kong. A Voluntary Code of Conduct Working Group (VCWG) will be convened, aiming to develop and promote a globally consistent, interoperable, and proportionate voluntary code of conduct for ESG ratings and data product providers providing products and/or services in Hong Kong (VCoC). As the only subsidiary of Chinese credit rating agency, China Chengxin Green Finance Technology (Beijing) Ltd. (CCXGF) serves as a member of the working group.
The International Capital Market Association (ICMA)will serve as the Secretariat for the working group, members include representatives from local, Mainland and other international ESG rating and data product providers, as well as key product users in the local financial industry. The first meeting of VCWG will be held this month, and a public consultation on the draft of the VCoC is planned to be published three months later.
CCXGF is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd. (the first and the largest CRA in China). As a pioneering third-party service provider that participated in the development of China’s green finance system, CCXGF maintains a complete onshore ESG bond database, and an ESG rating database that covers the entire A-share companies. CCXGF has established a leading market position in providing ESG external reviews/ certifications, ESG ratings, and related consulting services.
In June 2023, CCX Green Finance International Limited was officially listed as a recognized external reviewer of HKMA’s Green and Sustainable Finance Grant Scheme, making it the first Chinese CRA subsidiary in the list. CCX group will keep on developing Hong Kong market, by leveraging the team strength and service advantages from Mainland, and providing sustainable finance/ ESG services for offshore clients.

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