By the end of October 2023, in terms of incorporated entities, 541 overseas investors have registered through CIBM Direct scheme, adding 2 new entities over last month. 814 overseas investors through Bond Connect scheme, adding 2 new entities over last month.
(Registered number of overseas investors by the end of October)
In October, the cash bond trading turnover of overseas investors amounted to 1170.5 billion yuan1, with increase of 29% YoY and decrease 7% MoM. This amount represented about 5% of the total turnover for interbank cash bond market of the same month. The total monthly figure comprised 688.2 billion yuan of bond purchase and 482.3 billion yuan of bond sell, giving a net purchase of 205.8 billion yuan. The turnover reached 427.4 billion yuan for CIBM Direct (410.2 billion yuan through agent trade and 17.2 billion yuan through Direct-RFQ service) with net purchase of 159.4 billion yuan, and 743.1 billion yuan for Bond Connect with net purchase of 46.4 billion yuan.
In October, overseas investors traded 126.0 billion yuan during extended trading hours, which accounted for 11% of the total turnover of overseas investors.
(Bond Type)
(Bond Tenor)
(Settlement Cycle)
Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures.
In October, onshore investors mainly traded CNH bonds, USD bonds and others through Southbound Bond Connect.
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