QIA科技、媒体及电信(TMT)投资处负责人Mohammed Al-Hardan表示:“QIA致力于投资全球创新性科技企业。我们相信亚洲软件行业的长期增长机会,并认可金蝶在行业中的领先地位和其对中国企业云转型的关键推动作用。我们很高兴将金蝶纳入我们持续增长的亚洲TMT投资组合。”
Kingdee International Software Group Company Limited (Stock Code: 0268.HK) (“Kingdee”) and Qatar Investment Authority (“QIA”) today announced that they have entered into an agreement subject to which QIA will invest approximately US$200 million in consideration for new ordinary shares of Kingdee issued under the company’s general mandate granted by the annual shareholders meeting, representing approximately 4.26% of Kingdee’s total issued ordinary shares upon closing (the “Strategic Investment”), with a lock-up period of 180 days.
The investment in Kingdee aligns with QIA’s strategic approach to invest in companies and technologies that are leading global digitalization and shaping the future enterprise ecosystem.
Shaochun XU, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Kingdee, said: “This Strategic Investment underscores Kingdee’s increasingly leading position in China’s enterprise digital management industry and further supports our international growth strategy.
Mohammed Al-Hardan, Head of Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) Department at QIA, commented: “Qatar Investment Authority is committed to investing in technology companies driving global innovation. We believe in the long-term growth opportunity of Asia’s software sector and recognise Kingdee as a category leader and key enabler of enterprise cloud transformation. We are pleased to add Kingdee to our growing Asia TMT portfolio.”

金蝶国际软件集团有限公司(简称“金蝶”)始创于 1993 年,是全球知名的企业管理云SaaS公司。金蝶是香港联交所主板上市公司(股票代码:0268.HK),总部位于中国深圳。金蝶以“致良知、走正道、行王道”为核心价值观,以“全心全意为企业服务,与天下用户共同成长”为使命,致力成为“最值得托付的企业服务平台”。金蝶旗下的多款云服务产品获得标杆企业的青睐,包括金蝶云·苍穹(可组装企业级 PaaS平台)、金蝶云·星瀚(大型企业 SaaS 管理云)、金蝶云·星空(高成长型企业 SaaS 管理云)、金蝶云·星辰(小微企业 SaaS 管理云)等,已为世界范围内超过 740 万家企业、政府等组织提供数字化管理解决方案。
About Kingdee
Kingdee International Software Group Company Limited (“Kingdee”), established in 1993, is a globally renowned enterprise management cloud SaaS company. Kingdee is listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 0268.HK) and headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Adhering to the core values of “Acting in all Conscience, with Integrity and Righteousness”, Kingdee takes the mission of “serving the enterprise wholeheartedly and growing together with users around the world.” Kingdee is committed to becoming the “most trustworthy enterprise service platform”. Kingdee’s major cloud service products have been selected by industry lighthouse customers, including Kingdee Cloud Cosmic (packageable enterprise-grade PaaS platform), Kingdee Cloud Constellation (large enterprise SaaS management solution), Kingdee Cloud Galaxy (high-growth enterprise SaaS management solution), Kingdee Cloud Stellar (small and micro enterprise SaaS management solution). Kingdee has provided management software and cloud services for more than 7.4 million enterprises, governments, and organizations across the world.

About QIA
Qatar Investment Authority (“QIA”) is the sovereign wealth fund of the State of Qatar. QIA was founded in 2005 to invest and manage the State’s reserve funds. QIA is among the largest and most active sovereign wealth funds globally. QIA invests across a wide range of asset classes and regions, in partnership with leading institutions around the world, to build a global and diversified investment portfolio with a long-term perspective that can deliver sustainable returns and contribute to the prosperity of the State of Qatar.
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