
2013年習近平主席提出“壹帶壹路”倡議,金杜積極響應,爲“壹帶壹路”項目提供法律服務,並于2019年設立了金杜“壹帶壹路”國際合作與促進中心(KWM Belt & Road Center for International Cooperation and Facilitation,簡稱BRCICF),旨在充分發揮金杜國際化、多元化優勢和創新服務模式,有效連接政府和企業,爲希望探索“壹帶壹路”所帶來機遇的中外參與者提供優質專業服務。迄今爲止,金杜已爲1000多個“壹帶壹路”項目和事項提供法律服務,覆蓋“壹帶壹路”沿線的65個國家,涉及能源、交通、信息、基礎設施、金融、制造和服務等重點領域。

King & Wood Mallesons releases BRI Law and Practice - Dispute Resolution (English version)
King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) provides legal services for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects in an active response to the BRI proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013. As an international, diverse and innovative legal service provider, KWM established the KWM Belt & Road Center for International Cooperation and Facilitation (BRCICF) in 2019, aiming to connect the government and enterprises and provide high-quality professional services to Chinese and foreign participators seeking to explore the opportunities brought by the BRI. To date, KWM has advised on more than 1,000 BRI projects and matters in 65 countries along the Belt and Road, covering key sectors such as energy, transportation, information, infrastructure, finance, manufacturing and services.
KWM lawyers have written a number of articles on a range of legal issues and practices in BRI investment and financing, international projects, dispute resolution, and energy investment based on their own practical experience in BRI projects. In 2023, BRCICF released a series of publications on BRI law and practice, including BRI Law and Practice - Offshore Investment and Financing, BRI Law and Practice - International Engineering, BRI Law and Practice - Investing in Energy and Alternative Energy, and BRI Law and Practice - Dispute Resolution. In this English version of BRI Law and Practice - Dispute Resolution, the authors delve into legal insights and practical analyses related to BRI dispute resolution, including dispute resolution clause drafting, industry-specific disputes, regional considerations, and case analyses. We hope that this publication will be a source of enlightenment and assistance to enterprises actively exploring the path of doing business overseas under the BRI.

BRI Law and Practice - Dispute Resolution
(English version)
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