MUFG Awarded Gold at the Ministry of the Environment's Fifth ESG Finance Awards Japan
MUFG Bank, a consolidated subsidiary of MUFG, today announced that it was awarded Gold in the Banking Category for the third straight year at the Fifth ESG Finance Awards Japan[1] (Minister of the Environment Award) held on the same day. Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities was in parallel awarded Gold in the Financial Services (Securities) Category for the first time . Also, MUFG was selected as an Environmental Sustainable Company in the Environmental Sustainable Company Category for fulfilling established information disclosure criteria for three years in a row.
MUFG Bank is promoting renewable energy projects globally to achieve carbon neutrality, earning world-class results. At the same time, it is contributing to the development of the ESG finance market by promoting the proliferation of transition finance both domestically and internationally with focus on dialogue with customers in carbon-intensive sectors. Furthermore, through the publication of the MUFG Transition White Paper[2] and participation in international initiatives, it has been particularly recognized for its efforts to communicate the geographical characteristics, current situation, and pathways of Japan and Asia to the international community, as well as its endeavors in establishing a framework for fundraising rooted in regional and environmental contexts, which resulted in its Gold award.
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities works to enhance its comprehensive ESG promotion structure while contributing to the transparency and effectiveness of the ESG finance market through providing extensive information—including from the perspective of overseas rating agencies—to both issuers and investors. It has been recognized for its support of transition-labeled finance for non-GHG-intensive companies, and for its provision of flexible financing options to issuers through collaboration with MUFG and Morgan Stanley, which resulted in its Gold award.
MUFG has defined its purpose as being “committed to empowering a brighter future.” Its business activities are driven by the determination to make every effort to empower all stakeholders to take the next step forward. MUFG will continue to contribute to the resolution of environmental and social issues by supporting the ESG initiatives of its customers and encouraging sustainable growth.
[1] For details on the 5th ESG Finance Awards, please refer to the following press release: only)
[2] For details on the MUFG Transition White Paper, please refer to the following web page:
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