Nomura Recognized for Health Management Initiatives
Nomura Holdings, Inc. (Nomura) today announced that Nomura and six other Group companies have been included in the "KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations 2025," jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council).
The KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program recognizes companies with excellent health management initiatives, certifying the top 500 companies in the large enterprise category as "White 500," and the top 500 companies in the small and medium-sized enterprise category as "Bright 500." In addition, companies that rank from 501 to 1500 are certified as "Next Bright 1000."
Nomura Holdings and Nomura Asset Management were certified as White 500 companies for the eighth and sixth consecutive years, respectively, while Nomura Trust and Banking was certified under the large enterprise category for the third time.
In the SME category, Nomura Business Services, Nomura Babcock & Brown, Nomura Properties and Nomura Fiduciary Research & Consulting were certified as Next Bright 1000.
Nomura is committed to the overall physical, mental and social wellbeing of all employees. Nomura will actively work to improve the health of its employees in order to put into action its Purpose of "We aspire to create a better world by harnessing the power of financial markets".
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