Zou Xiaoyan was born in 1959. She graduated from the graduate school of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, majoring in money and banking, and the screen-printing department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and is a member of the China Financial Artists Association, a senior artist of the Ministry of Culture, and a director of the Beijing International Finance Society. Former President of China and Asia Market of Bahamas Trust Bank, she worked for many well-known financial institutions in China and abroad such as Bank of China, The Import-Export Bank of China, BNP Paribas, Australian and New Zealand banks, and created more than 60 China first business during his tenure. During her long-term practice, Zou Xiaoyan summarized and published several financial monographs, such as "Bank Letter of Guarantee", "Export Credit", "Structure trade finance", "Bank Letter of Guarantee and Case Analysis", "International syndicated loan", etc. She participated in the preparation of "Encyclopedia of China Economy", "Encyclopedia of China Finance", etc. She has been invited for many times to give lectures to central and local foreign trade export enterprises, Chinese and foreign financial institutions; Asian, African, Latin American, Russian government Officials training courses. Zou Xiaoyan also interviewed several international finance experts to record the difficult journey of China's finance going out, and her articles were published in a series in Import & Export Manager magazine. She has been engaged in international financial business for more than 30 years and is good at international financial business exchange and cooperation.
UDF-Space 2.0 Launching Ceremony, Zou Xiaoyan Shares International Financial Cooperation experience
In 2012, Zou Xiaoyan enrolled in the graduate school of screen-printing department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts on the job, fulfilling her childhood art dream. Her 6-foot Chinese painting "Hope for the Asian Investment Bank" was selected for the Third National Art Exhibition of China Financial Artists Association in 2015; her 4-foot Chinese painting "Yi Girl" was selected for the National Art Exhibition of "Walk One Belt, One Road, Taste Chinese Ink" in 2017.
"The Hope of ADB"