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RBNZ and FMA seeking feedback on draft FMI Standards

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua (RBNZ) and the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko are inviting feedback on the exposure drafts of standards for financial market infrastructures (FMIs). The Financial Market Infrastructures Act 2021 (the FMI Act) establishes the RBNZ and the FMA as the joint regulator of designated FMIs.

2022-09-30 10:00:00

Derivatives market changes significantly: Bank of Russia's report

The events that occurred in the derivatives market this year have considerably transformed its structure and liquidity. Non-residents’ exit from the market at the beginning of the year caused a reduction in the number of open positions and the termination of certain types of transactions. This information is given in the Bank of Russia's report.

2022-09-29 10:00:00

China on growth path despite difficulties

China still has huge economic growth potential in the coming years despite short-term disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic, said Takehiko Nakao, former president of the Asian Development Bank.

2022-09-27 10:00:00

SZSE ChiNext Board ETF Option and CSI 500 ETF Option Steadily Launched

On 19 September 2022, the ChiNext Board ETF Option (underlying security: ChiNext Board ETF, Code: 159915) and the CSI 500 ETF Option (underlying security: CSI 500 ETF, Code: 159922) were listed for trading on the SZSE. SZSE Chairman Chen Huaping attended the launch ceremony. Director Zhang Wangjun of the Department of Market Supervision I of CSRC and Standing Committee member Zeng Pai of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee gave speeches via video link, and SZSE President & CEO Sha Yan addressed the ceremony on the spot. Officials and guests from the CSRC system, the Shenzhen Local Financial Regulatory Bureau and relevant market institutions participated in the ceremony. Together, they witnessed another important moment of the SZSE derivatives market.

2022-09-24 08:00:00

Stay True to the Original Aspiration and Keep Moving Forward | CSI 500 ETF Options Lists on SSE

On September 19, 2022, the listing ceremony of CSI 500 ETF options was successfully held on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). At the listing ceremony, Pi Liuyi, Deputy Director and First-level Inspector of the Market Supervision Department I of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), attended the meeting by video link. Liu Ti, SSE Executive Vice President, and Yang Xiaosong, General Manager of China Southern Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Southern Asset Management), jointly struck the opening gong for the market of CSI 500 ETF options. Dai Wengui, Deputy Chief Economist of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation (CSDC), and Yu Wenhong, Deputy General Manager of Southern Asset Management, unveiled the option contracts.

2022-09-23 15:00:00

2022 Wealth Management Summit: Industry Trends amid the Global Change and Launch of the Evaluation Report on China's Wealth Management Capacity 2022

On August 25, the “2022 Wealth Management Summit: Industry Trends amid the Global Change” and the launch of the Evaluation Report on China’s Wealth Management Capacity 2022 was held in Beijing. The summit was organized by Xinhuanet and the School of Finance, Renmin University of China (RUC), and co-organized by the International Monetary Institute (IMI) of RUC, the Wealth Management Research Center of RUC, and the Golden Bull Financial Research Center of China Securities Journal. The participants had in-depth exchanges on the features of China’s wealth management industry, how wealth management institutions can build core competitiveness, how to improve investors’ sense of fulfillment and other heated issues in the industry. Tan Songtao, Director of the Wealth Management Research Center of RUC, presided over the summit.

2022-09-13 12:00:00

HKIRA:Executive Certificate in Financial Communication-Course registration

The “Executive Certificate in Financial Communication” is designed to provide knowledge and hands on experience sharing of the key aspect of communicating to shareholders and the capital market.

2022-09-05 10:54:59

Launching a Good Start for the SSE's 14th Five-Year Plan with Concrete Progress and Sheer Endeavor

2021 Work Report of the President of SSE (Excerpt).

2021-05-10 12:00:00

Achieving Positive Growth in Business Performance, SSE Main Board Companies Complete Disclosure of 2022 Semi-Annual Report

As of August 31, 2022, 1,663 listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) main board completed the disclosure of their 2022 semi-annual reports. Overall, in the face of the impact of unexpected factors such as the complex and volatile international situation and the domestic pandemic in the first half of the year, the companies on SSE main board demonstrated strong resilience in development, supported by the country's policy package for stabilizing economy, bolstering the sustained recovery of the national economy.

2022-08-31 12:00:00

China-Arab cooperation highlighted at trade summit

Participants in the fourth China-Arab Trade and Investment Summit on Wednesday hailed cooperation between China and Arab nations, saying that it has displayed great vitality and resilience amid the uncertainty and instability in today's world.

2022-09-08 12:00:00

[2022] No.141 Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources Notice on Extending the Handling of Stock Non-residential Housing Transactions among Enterprises to China Beijing Equity Exchange

2022-09-07 15:40:34

External business of Monetary Financial Institutions operating in the UK - 2022 Q2

This statistical release covers all claims on and liabilities to other countries by UK-resident banks and building societies (monetary financial institutions).

2022-09-05 17:20:59

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