Joint response to invitation to comment on ISSB’s Exposure Draft Methodology for Enhancing the International Applicability of the SASB Standards and SASB Standards Taxonomy Updates
The AASB and SSBJ have both publicly stated support for the ongoing work of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).
2023-08-08 10:57:04
LSEG welcomes the International Sustainability Standards Board celebrating the launch of the ISSB’s inaugural sustainability disclosure standards
The ISSB’s two new standards—IFRS S1 and IFRS S2—usher in a new era of sustainability-related disclosures in capital markets worldwide.
2023-06-26 13:56:30
IFRS Foundation Trustees and IFRS Foundation Monitoring Board agree updated MoU
The updates to the MoU reflect the formation of the ISSB and other innovations since the agreement of the first MoU in 2009.