SEC receives Privacy Self-Assessment Excellence Award with the highest score
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), represented by Mrs. Sittasri Nakasiri, Assistant Secretary-General – Strategy and Planning, acting as Data Protection Officer (DPO), participated in the Data Privacy Day 2025 Event, organized by the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC). Mr. Prasert Jantararuangtong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Digital Economy and Society, presided over the event and delivered a keynote speech on "The Importance of Personal Data Protection for the Country's Economic Development,” emphasizing the importance of raising public awareness and elevating personal data protection towards international recognition. More than 1,000 people attended the event at the Government Complex and Convention Center Chaeng Wattana on 28 January 2025.
On this occasion, the SEC was among the government agencies honored with Privacy Self-Assessment Excellence Award with the highest score in the Privacy Maturity Model & Privacy Index project. The SEC also set up an exhibition booth showcasing the collaboration on personal data protection among the three financial sector regulators – the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) and the SEC – in partnership with the PDPC. This collaboration aimed to ensure the smooth compliance of the financial sector with the Personal Data Protection Law and uphold the true intent of the legislation, in alignment with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Personal Data Protection in the Financial Sector. The SEC took this opportunity to promote awareness of its mission and services to the event participants.
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